Today while looking at my
friend's blog she showed a cute little needlepoint sign that read:
"I wasn't born in Tennessee but I got here as fast as I could."
I immediately knew what she was talking about.
I was originally born in Southern Illinois. Broughton to be exact. My father was a So. Il. Methodist minister and I moved around every 2 to 3 years. I graduated from Flora Il Township High school. Here is a picture of Flora. It was the biggest town I had lived in at that time!
I am not sure when this picture was taken but I lived there in the early 70's. At the corner where this picture is taken was the first stop light in town too. In smaller "county" towns like this there really isn't much for kids to do. I remember one time the town tried to pass a law that prevented us kids from walking up and down the streets. I mean...Friday and Saturday nights this was the cruising strip! And those that didn't drive usually walked. One night a whole bunch of us gather on one of these corners and just walked around and around the intersection there as the light would change. Well, the law said we couldn't walk the street or we'd be busted for lottering so...we won. That little law was soon dropped.
Anyway, shortly after graduating from Flora in 1974 (Hey...I am metaphysically wrinkle free) and 19 yrs of living in Illinois I moved to Bountiful, Utah! What a culture shock! Little county Methodist bumpkin now in the land of Zion! WOW!! LOL!
In the Salt Lake valley I lived and loved and married. My husband, Don, is originally from Idaho. He moved here when he was 10.
Fast forward 20 years and Don and I living in Salt Lake City a couple of blocks from Liberty Park decide that we have had enough of the city life. I for some reason talk him into moving back to Illinois. But not to Flora but Salem,Il which is 25 miles east of Flora. I had family there and so...even not ever living in Salem myself I quickly learned that one cannot go home. Other than the family members that still live in Illinois...I have no desire to ever live there again. And sorry to say...but I have no desire to ever go back or see any of the people I went to high school with. (Exception Gina...Shout out!)
Believe it or not...after 18 months of being homesick and not liking the flatness of Illinois. We end up in all places...Atlanta, GA! Well, Buford, GA. And we immediately and have ever since felt like we were Home!
After 10 years of being away from Utah, we find ourselves back in Salt Lake City. But we cannot wait and have been planning our move back to Georgia. Here are a few reasons why I love and want to go back to Georgia. Like the little needlepoint sign...I may not have been born in Georgia but I got there as soon as I could. And will get back there as soon as I can. Driving through the Georgia mountains you never know what little store you will run across. This place has some of the best farmer's cheese...
Old Sautee Store. The different little pottery places you'd find along the way.
And I know that God's greatest temple is the outdoors. I know there are many beautiful places on this earth but this little lake...
Dockery Lake is my favorite place on earth. I cannot wait to get back to this little place and pitch my tent. I could live here! In my yurt of course! LOL.
Sorry I got carried away but just wanted to give ya'all some of my background. And my hope to soon be back in the Georga mountains.
Bright Blessings!
Peace, Love and True Faith!