Thursday, September 30, 2010

Weekend Getaway

This last weekend my husband and I had the chance to spend time in a condo in Eden, UT.  Here is my wonderful husband standing in our little kitchen.  Our condo was a one bedroom fully provided for up to 4 people.
And when I say "provided" for I mean with almost every basic "tool" needed for cooks.
In fact, it had given me a blog idea for Cook's Essentials; as in pots and pans and such...but I found out that Cook's Essentials is an actual brand name of some fryers.  Duh!  And those were not provided.  LOL!  We had a basic fry pan, a couple different sizes pans, various cooking utensils,  a shredder, measuring cup and spoons, pitcher, strainer, teakettle and coffee pot.  Our condo slept up to four so we had silverware; for four, a complete dinnerware set for four and there were extra Anchor Hocking Glassware up to six.  Since we were there with husband's entire family, most of our meals were at his parents condo.  All of us were keeping track of the extra fork or coffee cup that was carried to their place.
We had a very good time but 4 nights was still way to short of a relaxing time.  The scenery was breath taking.  This picture was taken about noonish.  You can see the sun shining through the yellow of the trees.  Just a few short miles above our condo was Powder Mountain Ski Resort.  That's me standing in front of a yurt there.  Believe it or not that is my dream home.  A yurt somewhere in the NE GA mountains. 
Here is a view of our ride back down to our condo.
The road seen across the way I think would be the Ogden canyon pass.

Anyway, just thought I would share.  It isn't often my husband and I get away.  I wish my camera could have done the pictures better justice than what is posted but nothing is better than the actual view itself.

Take care Everyone!

Peace, Love and True Faith.

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