Thursday, September 30, 2010

Weekend Getaway

This last weekend my husband and I had the chance to spend time in a condo in Eden, UT.  Here is my wonderful husband standing in our little kitchen.  Our condo was a one bedroom fully provided for up to 4 people.
And when I say "provided" for I mean with almost every basic "tool" needed for cooks.
In fact, it had given me a blog idea for Cook's Essentials; as in pots and pans and such...but I found out that Cook's Essentials is an actual brand name of some fryers.  Duh!  And those were not provided.  LOL!  We had a basic fry pan, a couple different sizes pans, various cooking utensils,  a shredder, measuring cup and spoons, pitcher, strainer, teakettle and coffee pot.  Our condo slept up to four so we had silverware; for four, a complete dinnerware set for four and there were extra Anchor Hocking Glassware up to six.  Since we were there with husband's entire family, most of our meals were at his parents condo.  All of us were keeping track of the extra fork or coffee cup that was carried to their place.
We had a very good time but 4 nights was still way to short of a relaxing time.  The scenery was breath taking.  This picture was taken about noonish.  You can see the sun shining through the yellow of the trees.  Just a few short miles above our condo was Powder Mountain Ski Resort.  That's me standing in front of a yurt there.  Believe it or not that is my dream home.  A yurt somewhere in the NE GA mountains. 
Here is a view of our ride back down to our condo.
The road seen across the way I think would be the Ogden canyon pass.

Anyway, just thought I would share.  It isn't often my husband and I get away.  I wish my camera could have done the pictures better justice than what is posted but nothing is better than the actual view itself.

Take care Everyone!

Peace, Love and True Faith.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Stocking your Home Bar

Besides the obvious booze there are other items needed to stock your bar. And to list all the liquors that one could/should stock would take up this blog. LOL.

I am talking more about the glasses & barware that is needed to set up a good bar. If your budget does not allow the purchase of all the different drink glasses available on the market today, then your bar should have the basic drinking glasses and a shot glasses. With the shot glasses you can either just drink straight from it or use to measure an amount of liquor for a certain drink. Any drink no matter how fancy or how it is to be served can be poured into a regular drinking glass

As mentioned above, there are many different drink glasses on the market today. There are Old Fashioned glassed, martini glasses, beer steins/mugs, goblets and toasting flutes. But the three basics made for certain liquors that can be used for any cocktail out there. Those would be: champagne glasses, wine glasses and the ever popular mararita glasses.

How ever and what ever you stock your home bar with always remember to drink responsibly.

Candle Holders in a Pinch

Many homes now a days have candles in some size shape and form. A majority will probably be jar candles or votives already in a little holder. But what happens if you have a bunch of candles but no holders? There are many items around the house that can be used as candle holders in a pinch. Of course it would still depend on the size and shape of the candles you have. Safety is a big issue as you do not want to use anything that could melt or catch on fire.

Here are some common household items that a candle could safely burn in. A cup and/or saucer will hold votives, smaller pillars and tealights. A larger pillar would set on a salad/dessert plate. Shot glasses will also hold some of the smaller votives or pillars. A candy dish, glass coaster, empty pickle jar, or tin can are also great candle holders. Empty salt and pepper shakers depending on their opening will hold tapers. A large glass serving bowl or punch bowl will hold floating candles. Even something like a cupcake tin could be used to hold candles.

Just look around your home and take into consideration the size/shape of the candles you are wanting to burn and the location. Make sure that stay safe keeping the candles away from curtains/draperies and keep children and animals away from the open flames.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Kitchen Faucets...not just hot and cold anymore.

When you think of a new kitchen faucet, what is the first thing that pops into your head? For most of us it is probably how it looks or catches the eye. The second thing would be the price, or it would be for me. LOL.
Now a days there's so much more into purchasing a kitchen faucet than just filling in the holes.

Somethings you might need to think about when shopping:

1)Scald-guards,or faucets that will keep the water at a certain temperature reducing burns to hands.

2)Spout height and reach, to make sure that big deep spaghetti pans fits under making filling much easier.

3)Handles, the word says it all. Is the faucet you are deciding upon one that does it all right there or do you still need the hot and cold handles?

4)Mounting styles, are you going to use the same sink you have had or purchase a new one. Deciding on a new faucet also depends on new holes drilled or using pre-exsisting.

5)Water filtration, this has become a very important part of faucets. Many newer faucets have the filtration system built right into it. With these faucets one could save money by not having to buy plastic bottled water.

If you are thinking of a redo in the kitchen and the faucet is on that list you may find yourself shopping all day. There are so many varieties and beautiful choices in today's kitchen faucets you might as well put you feet up and shop in comfort.

Friday, September 17, 2010


What do you think of when you hear the word "storage"? What type of storage and/or that there is never enough storage? And what do you store?

The dictionary defines:
[stawr-ij, stohr-]
1. the act of storing; state or fact of being stored: (All my furniture is in storage.)
2. capacity or space for storing.
3. a place, as a room or building, for storing.
4. Computers . memory.
5. the price charged for storing goods."

And until I had read that, I hadn't even thought of storage in terms of computers. LOL.

We as humans tend to have a need to gather and keep a lot of stuff. Stuff we use on a daily basis and other stuff is just there. And like definition number 5 above...some of us have enough stuff that we need to put it in storage! Comedian George Carlin once did a skit on "Stuff" and in it says: "Imagine that. There's a whole industry based on keeping an eye on your stuff!"

How and what different types of storage is there? There is...closet storage and kitchen and pantry storage. There is storage for outdoor and the garage. Don't for get the other storage as in under the bed to storage for wine.

What other types of storage items for stuff is there? Some people like to use decorative organizers or baskets and bowls to keep trinkets in. There's shelves for books and media and shelves and storage in the bathroom for towels and that handy extra roll of toilet paper. Oh! don't forget about the kid's room!

I think I have rattled on enough about storage and the different types available. There are many more ideas and such out there I am sure. Do any of you have any other creative ways that you keep your stuff in storage?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Keep you Children safe in their car seats!

From coast to coast, September 19-25, 2010 is National Child Passenger Safety Week. We are reminding parents and caregivers that all children should be placed in child safety seats, booster seats or seat belts-every time they ride in a car or truck.
Parents and caregivers are urged to verify that their child safety seats are properly installed and correctly used. Certified technicians will be available to inspect and verify - free of charge - your child seat installation. Check with your local Sheriff's Dept for locations and times of inspections.

Parents know that before they can bring their bundle of joy home that a car seat is a major necessity. Most will research and choose the car seat that they feel works best for their life styles and budget. Even though one chooses a safe car seat for their child, many still improperly install the car seat. Always follow the instructions for the particular car seat that you have chosen. If you have any doubts at all about the installation of your car seat those certified technicians are available year round to answer any questions.

As with researching for the best car seat for your infant, there are many informative guides on the internet that will help answer questions from purchase to installation.

"We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today." ~Stacia Tauscher

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Many different thoughts can pop into one's head when they hear the word "cheap". Cute fuzzy yellow chicks might be one but not in this case. LOL!

Cheap has several meanings itself but is more common definition is associated with money. The price of an item was "cheap" or my uncle is a "cheap" penny pincher. Some associate the word "cheap" with the way an item is made, the materials used to make the item were not of high quality. Many retail stores will not use the word "cheap" even though they want to consumers to purchase from them because of their lower prices.

The reason I am bringing this up is because I have recently been shopping for new area rugs and I have found that has some of the "cheapest" rugs online today. I have already purchased an outdoor area rug from for "cheap" and the quality has with stood 2 summers on my patio and the winters in my guest bedroom (why I am shopping for another) with no signs of wear or tear.

So, if any of you out there are shopping for "cheap" area rugs can provide area rugs from contemporary to novelty. Oh! And don't forget their "cheap" rug pads!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Grandson on his way!

Some of you may or may not have heard by now that I am going to be a Grandma for the first time this November. My son and daughter-in-law are having a son. Yay!
I have had so much fun since I first heard about my grandson's arrival shopping. My grandson will be living in another state and I have had to depend on shopping online for presents from grandma.
One of the first things I started looking for was cute baby boy clothes. I wish I had posted this sooner because I found the cutest black onesie with a Scorpion embroidered on the front. I am particularly please with the wonderful prices I am finding.
I have also been debating over buying a bassinet or cradle. Mama wants one but from my experience a baby does not stay in them long enough to justify the money. But, it is their first baby and my first grandchild so I probably will purchase one or the other. However, I am finding myself loving the moses baskets.
My daughter-in-law has chosen an animal safari theme for the nursery and we have been debating over several different baby bedding sets to purchase. They are all so cute. And again we are also debating over what crib to buy as she is not sure if she just wants the crib or the ones that grow with the baby.
Decisions need to be made soon as he is due soon! LOL! And maybe I will let ya'all know exactly what we did buy. =)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wish List for Christmas

I know it is still a couple of months away, but it is never to soon to start making up one's Christmas wish list.
Now, after my husband and I's first year of marriage...I made him sign a contract that he would never ever gift me with appliances. This comes after his parents giving us pots and pans and cases of food and a kitchen aide mixer and getting a vacuum from my husband our first Christmas together. I do regret sometimes having him sign that contract because it has been 25 years now and not one kitchen or household appliance have I received from my husband. I can't speak for his parents but Hubby...he won't give me an appliance if I beg for it. LOL!
As the years have gone by...any appliances I usually buy before or after Christmas. One year I actually bought me a blender I had wanted and put under the tree from Santa.
This year I am working on a juicers, a toaster ovens (believe it or not I have never used a toaster oven. I hear they are great for chicken nuggets. And, not that it is an appliance but I would also like a nice umbrella for the patio next summer.
So, now that you know what I would like for Christmas this year...what is on your list?

Peace, Love and True Faith.